
silkworm feeding Learn more about silkworm feeding

  • How much is a colored silkworm? Is the silk spit in color? How to make the white silkworm into color?

    How much is a colored silkworm? Is the silk spit in color? How to make the white silkworm into color?

    Colored silkworm is the latest scientific research achievement which is introduced and absorbed by sericulture research institute at home and abroad and developed after years of research and innovation. The use of the most advanced sausage-style artificial feed (without mulberry leaves) and colored silkworms and colored cocoons (colored cocoons) by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    2020-11-11 Colored silkworm more less money one spit silk yes color Mo how?
  • Silkworm feed formula

    Silkworm feed formula

    The silkworm is a common insect in our country. It likes to eat mulberry leaves. After four times of molting, it turns into a silkworm pupa and spits out white silk. It is used to make silk quilts and masks. It has a wide range of uses. Almost all of them are farmed in the south. How to make the silkworm feed formula?

    2020-11-11 Silkworm feed formula silkworm yes China common a kind of insect
  • Feeding rabbits with silkworm faeces is effective

    Feeding rabbits with silkworm faeces is effective

    Silkworm faeces has high nutritional value, crude protein content is 15.4%, second only to bran, higher than rice bran and grass, it is a good livestock feed. Feeding livestock and poultry with silkworm excrement often has good results. 1. Silkworm excrement feeding pigs can save a lot of concentrated feed, pigs gain weight quickly per unit time, and the slaughter rate is high. After sow eats silkworm excrement, milk secretion increases. Second, silkworm excrement feeding sheep milk secretion increased, wool production, sheep hair length can reach more than 14 cm. 3. Feeding silkworm excrement to cattle can make

  • Good effect of silkworm excrement feeding rabbits

    Good effect of silkworm excrement feeding rabbits

    Silkworm faeces has high nutritional value, crude protein content is 15.4%, second only to bran, higher than rice bran and grass, it is a good livestock feed. Feeding livestock and poultry with silkworm excrement often has good results. 1. Silkworm excrement feeding pigs can save a lot of concentrated feed, pigs gain weight quickly per unit time, and the slaughter rate is high. After sow eats silkworm excrement, milk secretion increases. Second, silkworm excrement feeding sheep milk secretion increased, wool production, sheep hair length can reach more than 14 cm. Third, silkworm excrement feeding cattle can make cattle hardy physique good. four

  • Cutting leaves to feed silkworms to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages

    Cutting leaves to feed silkworms to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages

    The young silkworm stage (1-3 instar) is a critical period for sericulture production. Only careful feeding and scientific management can lay a good foundation for disease-free and high yield in the later stage. In the production of sericulture in rural areas, some silkworm farmers are afraid of trouble and save trouble, and the whole leaves are still used to feed silkworms in the young silkworm stage, resulting in uneven development of young silkworms and serious waste of mulberry leaves. (1) to avoid the loss of the head of the small silkworm, especially the whole leaves of the 1st instar silkworms, the remaining mulberry that has not been eaten by the silkworms often shrinks and curls into a tube, wrapping part of the silkworms among them, while the young silkworms move.

  • Treatment Technology of Silkworm Dormancy

    Treatment Technology of Silkworm Dormancy

    I still remember when I was a child, Xiao Bian also liked silkworm rearing very much. The first thing I did when I came back from school every day was to open my own box and see if the silkworm babies inside had grown up a little. However, Xiao Bian was purely a child raising and playing. The real silkworm rearing people had to have

    2020-11-08 silkworm sleep processing technology still remember childhood small editor
  • A New method of efficient feeding and rearing of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

    A New method of efficient feeding and rearing of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

    In the period of big silkworm, especially the fifth instar silkworm, the amount of mulberry used accounts for about 85% of the whole age, and a large number of workers such as removing sand, giving mulberry and catching mature silkworms are concentrated in the fifth instar. According to the survey, the traditional silkworm foil sericulture. Not only the amount of work is large, but also the sericulturists are very hard, and the labor efficiency is low. The use of large silkworm fixed silkworm platform rearing and automatic silkworm feeding, no sand removal, no mature silkworm catch, no upper and lower end foil, convenient for mulberry and shedding. Compared with the traditional silkworm foil rearing, it can save labor by more than 50% and reduce labor intensity by 40% and 50%. I.

  • Feeding and management techniques of silkworm

    Feeding and management techniques of silkworm

    Feeding and management techniques of silkworm

  • How do silkworms become silkworm moths? How many days does it take for the eggs to hatch? How many times do you have to shed your skin in your life? Four growth processes of silkworm babies

    How do silkworms become silkworm moths? How many days does it take for the eggs to hatch? How many times do you have to shed your skin in your life? Four growth processes of silkworm babies

    Bombyx mori, also known as silkworm, silkworm, is a common economic insect in southwest China, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Anhui and other places, because it can spin silk and can be made into a variety of silk fabrics, how does the silkworm become a silkworm moth? How many days does it take for the eggs to hatch? You have to shed your skin several times in your life.

    2020-11-11 Silkworms how to become silkworm moths eggs hatching need how many days silkworms
  • Silkworm materials to be prepared before sericulture

    Silkworm materials to be prepared before sericulture

    When it comes to silkworms, maybe many people, like Xiaobian, had the experience of raising silkworms when they were young. Although we were just raising and playing at that time, the process of silkworm breeding from an egg to the final cocoon was always the same, and its breeding process was more or less the same.

    2020-11-08 Sericulture before to prepare of sericulture material speaking of silkworms maybe
  • How can silkworms not die? Where is the best place to put it?

    How can silkworms not die? Where is the best place to put it?

    For silkworm babies, I believe many people will have love and pity, and the cute little ones are growing tenaciously every day, so how many days does it take for silkworm eggs to hatch? How can farming not die? Where is the best place to keep it? In fact, sericulture can be a hobby.

    2020-11-11 Silkworms how breeding no will die put where the best
  • Rearing methods of male silkworm and big silkworm

    Rearing methods of male silkworm and big silkworm

    1. New hybrid varieties of male silkworm (1) variety characters. Qiuhua × Ping 30, a new autumn male silkworm variety bred by the sericulture Research Institute of Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, has the advantages of strong physique, uniform sleep of all ages and easy rearing. The number of ants per gram is about 2310, and the 5th instar passes through 6 days and 18 hours. After 22 and a half days, the two-day hatching rate is 49.34%, the silk length is about 1240 meters, the cocoon shape is oval, large and uniform, the cocoon color is white, and the cocoon shell rate and silk emergence rate are high. (2) the main points of feeding and breeding techniques. The ant harvester is sensitive to light.

  • Prevention and control methods of silkworm without cocooning

    Prevention and control methods of silkworm without cocooning

    First, the reasons why silkworms do not cocoon: 1. Pathological factors. For example, purulent disease and malacia are easy to be infected before the upper cluster, which destroys the secretory function of silk glands of silkworm, or pathogens produce a large number of toxic metabolites in silkworm body, so that the nerves of silkworms are paralyzed and cannot be cocooned. 2, physiological factors. The first is the abnormality of the central silk gland, mainly because the feeding temperature is too high or too low, the leaf quality is too tender, and the secretory gland is maladjusted, which causes abnormal silk gland, and the second is the abnormal silk gland in the anterior part, mainly because of feeding.

  • Techniques for rearing autumn silkworms

    Techniques for rearing autumn silkworms

    1. The characteristics of autumn silkworm period most of the mulberry cutting patterns in our city are spring fist cutting, with less spring leaves and more autumn leaves, which provides sufficient feed for the rearing of autumn silkworms. At the same time, the temperature was higher in the early stage and lower in the later stage, which was suitable for the physiological requirements of silkworm. Therefore, the root

    2020-11-08 Culture autumn silkworm technology one autumn silkworm period characteristics
  • Method for raising silkworms at home

    Method for raising silkworms at home

    With the continuous development of the rural economy, many people have begun to return to the countryside to start their own businesses. Silkworm breeding is also a good choice. China has always been a silk country, not only in domestic sales, but also exported to foreign countries. family sericulture

    2020-11-08 family sericulture methods along with now rural economy
  • Processing Technology of Special Feed (Silkworm Feed)

    Processing Technology of Special Feed (Silkworm Feed)

    The special feed processing technology of Wuxi Scientific Research and Design Institute of the Ministry of domestic Trade (Wuxi 214035, Jiangsu Province) includes three parts: industrial processing of artificial feed for silkworm, nutritional formula and breeding. In the aspect of processing, it is the first to create a new technology of dry heat killing and drying of fresh mulberry leaves, adopting technologies such as micro-comminution, mechatronics, addition of feed active substances, preservative sterilization, molding and packaging, etc. the technical difficulties of raw material preservation and drying, crushing, wet body mixing and long-term preservation of silkworm artificial feed were solved, and the new silkworm artificial feed was produced on a large scale.

  • How to raise silkworms

    How to raise silkworms

    How to raise silkworms

  • Silkworm seed development technology

    Silkworm seed development technology

    The neat development of silkworm eggs is the primary guarantee for the implementation of automatic clustering of silkworms and an important prerequisite for ensuring high quality and high yield of silkworm cocoons. In order to make the silkworm eggs develop neatly, we must do a good job in the following aspects: first, do a good job in the protection of silkworm eggs after recovery, promote the recovery of hatched silkworm eggs and immediately pour out and spread them in the foil of white paper, put them in a temperature of 26 ℃, a difference of 1.5 ℃ between dry and wet, and protect them in the dark (covered with black cloth). On the day of hatching, the cover is opened at 4: 00 a.m. to 5: 00 a.m. on the day of hatching.

  • Nutritional formula for feeding silkworms in summer and autumn

    Nutritional formula for feeding silkworms in summer and autumn

    The main feed of silkworm is mulberry leaf. Because the quality of mulberry leaf varies greatly in different seasons, it has a great influence on the yield and quality of cocoon. If the summer and autumn silkworms are fed with nutrition, the yield can be increased by 10% to 20%. The formula technology is introduced as follows: 1. Formula and feeding method of feeding agent. ① glucose solution additive. During the silkworm rearing period, if there is continuous overcast and rainy weather, the texture of mulberry leaves is tender due to lack of light, the moisture content is high, and carbohydrates are reduced. At this time, the picked mulberry leaves can be sprayed with 5% glucose solution and fed to silkworms after drying.

  • How to prevent the occurrence of young silkworm, Vosangyi silkworm and lost silkworm

    How to prevent the occurrence of young silkworm, Vosangyi silkworm and lost silkworm

    The cocoon yield is not only related to the single cocoon weight, but also largely depends on the number of seeds, so effective measures should be taken to prevent the occurrence of young silkworms, mulberry silkworms and lost silkworms. The specific measures are as follows: first, select good leaves to collect ants and 1-year-old and 2-year-old silkworm leaves, to choose mulberry leaves with suitable maturity and tender, fresh leaves, moisture content of not less than 75%, avoid using old leaves and immature leaves, otherwise it is easy to form young silkworms. We should also choose fresh and tender mulberry leaves to feed silkworms during the mid-feeding period and high-eating period. 2. suitable temperature and humidity the optimum room temperature of the 2nd instar silkworm.
